Saturday, February 29, 2020

Treasure The Day

It is not just hedonists
or social deviants
who believe in living 
like there's no tomorrow.
Count in many others
who may instinctively
believe they will have
no tomorrow and opt
to take from life what they can.
Life is a gift with very special
wrapping, and removing
each of its layers
eventually exposes the
core. Age is the core
and it gears us all for
very personal extinction.
Those who are aged
and aging give a good deal
of thought to the present
valuing it far more than
the young who cannot
bother their minds with a
future they cannot imagine.
Living that future fixes the mind.
And in that state thoughts
of a morrow that may not arrive
abound. Leaving the elderly
to live as though
there is no tomorrow.

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