Thursday, February 6, 2020


As It Happens

Granted, he is a loathsomely grubby
human being whose exploits in every
endeavour both personal and business
are replete with blotches of greed and
unsavoury conduct, slathered with outright
contempt for others, all of which make of
him a most disagreeable man. Yet there
is the reality that this man has the 
approval of a great public enabling him
in his new guise as politician to ascend
the executive order of first among leaders
of the free world, a public act of trust and
disgust in the actions of those preceding
him in that exalted office. For all of
that it was an exercise in democracy
with unforeseen results yet for every
action there are consequential reactions.
Honour and respect the role of a citizenry
to elect to public office that individual
they deem in their collective wisdom to
exemplify qualities of leadership and
wise counsel. Or oppose his ascension
in the bitterest of partisan reproaches then
employ every conceivable method to
depose his rule and flout the Republic's
devotion to the people's right to select
their government. And flout it they did
in the process devoutly portraying the
man in terms beyond his countless faults
displaying their own wretched descent
into resentful blame absent due cause
as they chose to brandish entitlement to
besmirch constitutional rights in a pique
of rancorous fury that all indices of an
office well administered salvaged him.

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