Friday, February 14, 2020

Honour Be Damned

This is a man discernibly quite obviously
comfortable in his skin as modern parlance 
has it, confident that his manner echoes his 
psyche with the kind of panache inherited 
as his birthright; a scion of wealth and legend
charmingly cosmopolitan without peer. He 
aspired to power and having handily succeeded 
portrays himself a saviour of his nation 
all the while spurning its laws and mores while 
presenting as a champion of the vulnerable 
and the downtrodden. His message is of one
who deeply cares even as his position fails to
support the equality and justice his words avow. 
Power bedazzles him as he mingles in diplomatic 
circles with those world leaders whose grasp on
world affairs bespeak their reach and influence. 
His aspirations culminate in a deep desire to 
be welcomed as one of their own, the powerful 
cadre of the corrupt and conscienceless for he 
most certainly qualifies. His nation is left
dumbfounded at the blatant spectacle of their 
prime minister meekly bowing obsequiously 
in the presence of the official whose military 
has destroyed myriad innocent lives, our hero's 
very own citizens included. Honour be damned.

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