Sunday, February 9, 2020

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Always a Bridesmaid

The essential dynamics of human trust
are elemental; sincerity, truthfulness and
open communication. Rare qualities to be
sure when two groups face one another in
an irresolvable struggle where one speaks
of inheritance while the other accuses those
of timeless existence in the disputed area of
being interlopers, false claimants to land
contestants intend to share with none other 
than their own. The wisdom of Solomon 
put to the test judging whom between them
proffers the more valid argument when it is
an ancient temple dedicated to the almighty
which his era and his order established. Yet
his successors in the land of Judea where
his descendants have never failed to worship
and till the land welcoming an ingathering
diaspora's return are violently assailed by
challengers to a dry and history-dusted land
transformed by their enterprise to verdant
productively arable orchards , yet must turn
their ploughshares to military defence against
counter-claimants adamantly resistant to the
peoples' presence in a land of their own. So
frequently have the offers of apportioning and
friendship been refused the bridegroom is no
longer invested in cohabitation with the
sullen bride, left to bitterly call upon her
extended family to destroy the home that 
might, with earned trust, have been her own.

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