Tuesday, February 25, 2020

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Don't Fret

It began innocuously, yet was called a
mysterious virus, familiar yet unfamiliar
but then these pathogens have of late
been entering the stream of consciousness
even as one epidemic following another
preys on society beginning life in one
obscure corner of the globe and gradually
spreading to others fostering fear and a
sense of helpless inevitability. This one
however has proven slightly at odds with
the trajectory long, acknowledged for the
rapidity of its onset and its quite amazing
reach. Zoonotic it is, leaping from the wild
animal kingdom to humans also of the
animal kingdom where people challenge
fate with their appetite for exotic species
decimating their presence for the delicacy
of their taste but disproportionately the
prestige attached to consuming these rare
creatures becoming ever more rare with
species decline matching human appetite.
Its mortality rate is not high at 3 percent so
don't worry. Of course if you're aged, ill
or immunity-compromised, you might.
China, however, boasts it has the outbreak
well in hand, so relax. Its neighbours are
in deep distress with concern and a steadily
increasing rate of infection. Was a time
these epidemics had a limited span but
travel renders communication readily and
suddenly one or two proliferate to become
a veritable horde. State health authorities
issue broad assurances of readiness and
control. Religious authorities guarantee
avoidance through piety. Doctors are not
merely overwhelmed but themselves now
contracting COVID-19. Some die, some
recover. Stock up on perishables. Lock the
doors. Heed authorities. Don't be concerned.

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