Sunday, June 30, 2019


Rampant Mountain Stream

The light rain that insistently pattered its
way over the landscape could not account 
for the ferocity of the mountain stream as it
streamed and coursed down the mountainside
vehemently boiling and roiling its unopposed 
passage along the funneled trench in the 
rough-hewn granite carved in a primeval age
spuming and leaping in its mad dash from the 
gathered summits pointed skyward to reach
the river below, snaking through the forest 
greening the mountain. A late snow pack melt
and an inordinately rain-drenched spring 
conspired to flood the forest floor at the 
mountain's foot, scraping along the detritus 
of a climax forest, mist rising in the rain-
saturated atmosphere, thick plush green
moss upholstering the rockface as astride the 
the rapturous stream with its buoyantly
thunderous chorus, beech, hemlock, pines
and yellow birch rise, their leaf-and-needle 
mass a symphony of radiant green shades 
in a seasonal renewal, drenched with the
spray of the stream's boisterous passage.


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