Sunday, June 2, 2019


The world of humanity and its canted
politics is a strangely dysfunctional
pathology starkly resembling the
madness of a mirrored room engineered
to turn itself inside out and upside down
in a frenzy of chaotic cynicism. Take
as example the Islamic Republic of Iran
as it presents itself preening that its
assaults on reason mirror the reflection
that Islam imposes upon its followers
and in so doing instructs the faithful
that terrorism is but a duty called jihad
and inflicting the agony of death upon
the unready is heroic work in honour of
the god they worship. The civilized world
honours its dedication to human rights
by looking on in horror at the inflicting
of totalitarian passions on the helpless
their vulnerability as pawns ensuring no
rebellion can go unpunished, yet they
meekly acquiesce when Iran's inspired
al Quds gatherings in Berlin, London
Paris and Toronto fly the ghoulish flags
of Hezbollah and liken Israel to the
murderous Islamic State unleashing the
viper's nest of haters who nestle among
those whose indigenous heritage they
have infiltrated. The matter is dismissed
as an opportunity offered all citizens to
express the will of freedom to express
the messages of malicious intent to murder.
The bland sanctimony of evil tolerated
is loud in its acclaim for tolerance when
the victims are those despised 'others'.

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