Saturday, June 8, 2019

Human Progress

Honing to perfection the skills involved
in eye-hand coordination can certainly
be impressive. Think of renowned artists
past and present; scientists whose careful
manipulation of substances lead to vital
discoveries, of astronomers precisely
directing their instruments toward the
skies, and engineers whose measurements
and skills produce technological advances.
Swordsmanship, tennis, baseball, basketball
any number of skilled team sports whose
professional expertise we laud and praise.
Computer games? Where sedentary gamers
focus on screens where action games take
their undivided attention as they seek to
score: that kind of eye-hand coordination?
Where colleges and universities field teams
experienced and skilled as gamers intent
on mastering and finessing game-sports
not in an arena or a sport field but before
computers dedicated to game-playing whose
movements and repetition make of the 
players elders beyond their years in injury
with dedicated physicians using healing
arts to treat faltering bodies lacking the
challenge of wholesome physical challenges.
Oh yes, and millions worldwide watching
as games progress on special channels for
there are munificent winnings to be had as
the game producers raking in the cash from
sales of their addictive games gamble on a
tried-and-true formula of public relations
tied to public acclaim and popular embrace
of enfeebling one's body and brain for profit.

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