Monday, June 17, 2019

Damning The Evidence

Life was simpler then, certainly far less
contrived for you were what you were
and there was no confusion whether
boy or girl although admittedly there were
times when girls behaved like boys and
times when boys shared girlish traits
that were after all only human traits. This
girl knew when she first saw that boy
he would be hers forever. The boy agreed
and the years passed until they married
at a time in their lives when society now
views their age as consonant with childhood.
Life teaches raw lessons of harsh reality
and they learned to scrimp but never to 
save since the former is imposed by poverty
and the latter impossible in that condition.
They were joined, one after another by
extensions of themselves who turned out
to be complete and varied individuals
with no confusion over their binary state
though of course emotions and behaviours
run their course and overlap as is natural.
As the years passed so did society's contract
confusion setting in alongside demands
to compensate for perceived and actual
acts of oppression resulting in a confusion
of roles and identities when rejection of
what was taken for 'normal' became the
inevitable norm. The social contract has
since expanded with inclusivity and equality
and a whole range of optional choices now
confronting a population no longer taking
for granted biological evidence at birth.

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