Saturday, June 1, 2019

Homo ... Sapiens

Don't you ever wonder why it is
that Man the Wise is so irrational?
Those among us who studiously
involve themselves in the nature
of human nature look for answers
in nature to find the nature of man.
When we speak of the laws of the
jungle we refer to wild animals and
of course humankind is nothing like
wild, possessed of an unusual brain
capable of expression and thought
and memory built upon those who
preceded us. We have made of our
unique civilization a thing of which
to be proud. It has only taken tens
of thousands of years, after all. But
look at the results! We now practise
such enlightened understanding of
ourselves. Should any wish to die
and fit the criteria they will be kindly
assisted toward that goal; state
sanctioned murder. Yet we go to
such depths of effort to save the
lives of those whose natural lifespan
is beyond near vision, who have of
their own free will addicted themselves
to chemicals that slowly reduce them
to mere vestiges of the creatures they
were. And when they overdose on 
the poison they crave, society springs
into action, to narrowly save them
from the fate they have sought which
they will determinedly pursue again.

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