Monday, June 10, 2019


Ask Google if you are not fully certain
and this is what the response will be: 
relating to, denoting, or preserving 
the character of an early stage in the 
evolutionary or historical development 
of something: got that? We can go a
little further and think of primitive
thought and primitive action and it is
not too difficult to arrive at conclusions
whereby the source of those thoughts
and actions define themselves as entirely
anachronistic. The belief that women should
be subservient to men a primary example
another that non-Muslims by their very
existence as such are disposable. Which
transformed into action relies on such
forms of slaughter as beheading or
crucifixion. That Islam considers itself
an exalted crucible of peace in the
world while describing all non-Muslim
nations as states of war which Islam
is obliged by violent intervention to
transform to states of peace by conquest
and subjugation is not to be questioned
for doing so identifies the questioner
as an infidel deserving of death and
when that mode of disposal happens to
be inconvenient Muslims and their
complicit enablers affix the damning
label of Islamophobic, a term designed
to elicit public shame. Now, how then to
define primitive? In some particular
instances a condition never to be elevated
beyond its most rudimentary function
for psychopaths to shield themselves 
from close scrutiny behind a divinely
inspired protocol: conquest and murder.


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