Thursday, June 13, 2019


Some things in life just happen, it's
the way things work and you save
yourself a lot of grief by accepting it.
Take as an example, the exuberance
of discovery and joy of existence that
motivates puppies, like young children
to express their love of life in ways
that can be annoying to others and
elicit laughter and happiness in yet
others. If there's water about, children
and puppies both want to wallow in 
it taking their pleasure in feeling the
cooling water run down their legs
while they splash about and then run
toward the closest person to them for
a hug. If it's a dog splashing about in a
forested creek where runoff from farm
fields and bacteria from unknown
sources mingle with natural detritus
you're left as drenched as the dog that
leaped happily at you. Annoyed? well
tough, you can wash your clothing and
in the interim enjoy the spectacle of a
young dog beside itself with the miracle
of life. As for the tall, strapping fellow
the puppy next chose to share its joy
with, who kicked the offending overture
away so the puppy yelped with pain
the world is full of jerks who never
get over themselves and the puppy's
antics and trust in them shattered.

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