Friday, June 14, 2019

Notional Elixirs

With the monumental conceit that
characterizes humanity we think of
ourselves as brilliantly endowed with
a unique brain enabling humanity
throughout the ages to advance thought
and to manipulate our environment 
to solve mysteries of science and matter
delving into the nature of existence
from our humble planet revolving in
the immensity of the universe, one
solar system upon another, and there
we are wondering and struggling to
achieve knowledge. Yet not knowing
ourselves, frail creatures dissatisfied
with what and who we are, restive and
plaintive ever seeking a goal of bodily
perfection, learning the art of plastic
surgery, leaning on 'diets' to restore the
lithe muscular physiques of youth
endlessly experimenting with methodical
protocols to renew bodily functions
lapsing with age and infirmity leading
to infusions of stem cells and when we
can no longer fend off death contracting
for our heads to be placed in cryogenic
baths to await the future when life
long lapsed can improbably be restored.

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