Sunday, July 16, 2017


In the endless time that the fabulous
Old Testament's legendary interpretation
informs that the omnipotent power
that is the Almighty took to create
existence, a mere seven days
completed the transaction from endless
nothing to vastly unimaginable existence
roughly the same number of days
it takes to canoe and trek through the
Bowron Lakes in the Cariboo mountains
interior of British Columbia, one of
nature's most favoured landscapes
where endless rain cascading through
overcast skies drenches hardy
canoeists day after day after day.
There, at Cache Creek,100-Mile House
and Williams Lake where Gold Rush
fever led a hopeful influx of
prospectors to a rough and ready
ingathering amongst the stately
splendour of old-growth forests, 
endless mountains, rivers and lakes
nature met the onrush with total
equanimity knowing in her wisdom
of longevity that they would leave and
only she and her creatures would remain.
Yet now she has staged another drama
consuming her landscape in spontaneous
combustion, countless wildfires scattering
her creatures, all accomplished in the
very same time-frame heralding existence.

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