Friday, July 14, 2017

Allahu Akbar!

Slain police officers Kamil Shnan (left) and Hael Sathawi against the backdrop of a forensic team surrounding the body of an assailant on the Temple Mount, July 14, 2017.
Slain police officers Kamil Shnan (left) and Hael Sathawi against the backdrop of a forensic team surrounding the body of an assailant on the Temple Mount, July 14, 2017. THOMAS COEX/AFP and Israel Police

Allahu Akbar!

They are deliriously fervent in their
passion to do service to the divine
in which they invest their entire lives
their past, their present and their
delusional prospects of a future that
in recognition of their willing sacrifice
will lift them as the Prophet Mohammad
was lifted, into the realm of their revered
god who demands of them the ultimate
for which no alternatives suffice. Their
lives are sacred in their submission to
Islam but those the scripts inherited
from Allah identified as the despised
infidel are as dross, worthless and
utterly meaningless, their very existence
an catalyst reproach to the faithful
for tolerating their presence when all
it takes to perform the service their
faith demands of them is to engage
selflessly in slaughter of those
undeserving of life. And so, whatever
executive means at hand will suffice
as the faithful go forth, their minds ablaze
with intent, their conscience is clear in
the knowledge that they do god's work
aids in the commission, even at the
very doorstep of the almighty's abode.
All that is and will be is at the pleasure
of his blessedly gracious spirit, Inshallah.

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