Friday, July 7, 2017

Judaic Legitimacy

It is a scrupulously violent reductive
act that takes one and a half millennia
to fully strike, launched by a venomously
deliberate destroyer and enabled over
generations by equally hateful enablers
who succeed in the ultimate act of
plagiarism gilded as a theocratic directive.
Whereby ancient Judaic scriptures of
solemn sacred memory detailing the
rise of monotheism, the verbal thunder
of the Prophets, the honouring of the
Patriarchs and Matriarchs in their
silent tombs have, every one, been
claimed as authentically Islamic for
did not their Prophet proclaim it so as
he purloined all that history and memory
held dear in the hearts of Jews? A
sanctimonious world established a
seat of universal acclaimed recognition
of heritage rights sitting in judgement
aided by those entirely bereft of morals
grimly agreeing to support contentions
of an Arab collective eager to deny
recognition of the heritage of a dynasty
not their own, co-opting its sacred memory
and symbols, its scriptures and its laws
withdrawing legitimacy of history and
precedence, UNESCO assenting and
Jerusalem, the Temple of Solomon
all the sacred in Judaism transformed
within an alter-universe favouring Islam.

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