Monday, July 31, 2017

Mawkish Nature

It was clear that his disciplined mind
took its presence as a personal rebuke
as though nature itself regarded his 
carelessness as an assault upon her own
natural disorder where generations of
woodland detritus lay upon the forest
floor in a constant feverish state of
decomposition in preparation for
welcoming new generations, nursed
upon that rich humus within which lay
though biodegradable, the insult of a
human touch. Whether discarded in a
deliberate display of irreverence to the
natural surroundings or simply lost by
some poor soul battling asthma refusing
to surrender the pleasure of natural
environs to nurse an allergy, the paper
tissue lay there, partially desiccated 
thanks to wind and rain and time 
coalescing to reclaim this bit of 
processed cellulose. Yet to him signifying
the arrogance of human nature defiling
the nature that spawned humans. He
bends, deftly twists two twigs into a
pincer, lifts the offending white flag
not for him surrender to mocking nature.

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