Thursday, July 6, 2017

Human Rights?

Restraints on jihadist terrorism? Funny 
you should ask, but there's an answer, 
you just have to dig for it and not very deeply. 
No one is in doubt about what constitutes 
human rights. The doubt exists in its universal 
applicability. For you it is assured. For others 
it is not. Be grateful that you live where you do
since human rights is a geographic entitlement 
taken for granted though jealously guarded. 
We have a global institute that guarantees it 
for one and all along with peace, an end to 
conflict, do we not? So what is its scorecard, 
that illustrious hall of international bureaucracy
second only to the Nobel Prize Committee.
Peace Prize Laureates include, let's see
Yasser Arafat, he of the gun and the dove
for dramatic impact on the General Assembly.
Nobel Laureates less than noble in their
achievements come readily to mind, so
think Myanmar's Aung San Suu Kyi and the 
free world's saviour who forgot to save, 
Barack Obama. Canada's Pearson harboured 
a racist pathology. Remember Kurt Waldheim
Austria's Nazi gift to the United Nations? 
And the UN's ultimate sanctimony in hoisting 
abusers like Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria, China, 
Russia to prominence in vetting nations they 
label as human rights abusers, surely none 
more guilty than one tiny nation whom 
history has nailed to the cross of applied
extinction. But rest assured, the world body
is in reliable hands, in the admirable and sturdy 
collaboration between the Non-Aligned Group
and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.


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