Monday, July 10, 2017

Nature, Interrupted

Certainly it is most unusual that
a yearling doe would find her way
into this place resembling though
it does her accustomed preserve in
nature, while it is not but an urban
forested reserve. The woodland
corridors that once existed to bring
her and her generational cohorts to
this place have long since vanished
replaced by the steadily relentless
recroachment of houses. In those
houses live people and with those
people their companion dogs. The
doe is far from where that exquisite
creature should be for her safety and
survival. The dog that accosted her
approaching swiftly on a trail much
used by residents is a Husky, and she
too but for the intervention of human
desire should be in her own natural
preserve, in the North. A whim of fate
has brought them together, the dog
and the doe, one a hunter one its prey.

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