Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Theocratic Evil

Evil hides its presence in many Janus
faced guises though it need not
knowing that its dread presence is
celebrated by many who admire
and cling to the malevolence it
inspires. Among the disguises it
seeks out, co-conspirators, vile
demagogues who present themselves
as demi-gods demanding their due in
awe and obedience and who convince
their audience of believers that the
god they worship demands human
sacrifice, the death of those who will
not surrender their autonomy to the
worship of the omniscient, omnipotent
omnipresent power of the dark overlord.
The Islamic Republic of Iran courts
the potency of fear in the presence
of terrorism, an enabling conquest
that shatters and destabilizes those
nations whose culture is not one of
death, but whom Iran's culture has
re-introduced to the crepuscular
shadows of Medieval inquisition
mutilation, crucifixion and extermination.
Restless, awaiting the reappearance of
the Hidden Mahdi who will finalize
the mere rehearsal of the Holocaust
setting loose the Angel of Death, Iran
squats, malicious, evil's premonition.

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