Thursday, July 13, 2017

Holocaust Deniers

They have few peers and on this
they pride themselves, asserting their
preening confidence in demonstrated
rectitude of a shade societal convention
fails to recognize. These are the rare
few who defend the words and actions
of the indefensible, who cite their right
to the freedom of sneering at history
the historical revisionists whose lens
interprets reality as a farce they obey
an imperative to counter. As racist 
bigots and hateful defenders of dread
fascism's crowning glory who see
victory in their lost global conflict
when those who fought for universal
freedom overcame the Axis heralding
tyranny, they did succeed in destroying
an entire continent's reserve of Jews.
Their denials of that wholesale and
fastidious instrument of death leaving
no doubt that a mass convulsion of
deranged malice motivated the putrid
annihilation of innocents satisfied the
blood-lust of sadistic hatred, proffered
as a gallant struggle for freedom, to
speak as one believes, without censure.
As though to minimize six million dead
with a broad diminishment of numbers 
makes the unspeakable crime more
civil, palatable, excusable as an excess
of devotion to the duty of cleansing society
of identified enemies of civilization.

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