Saturday, March 5, 2016



Humans are peculiar creatures
certainly worthwhile studying
which is what I do on a fairly 
constant basis, quite frankly
leaving them to the impression
that they have the advantage as
a more intelligent creature than
such as I, a humble but creative
and imaginative little dog with
the understanding that their
presumed dominion over me 
represents their own delusionary
belief, and certainly not reality.
For it is not I who do their
bidding, but they who attend
to mine. I do not wait upon them
prepare and serve their meals,
nor do I take them hither and
yon. I relax and observe as they
make their plans to structure
their days to my benefit for they
seem to believe that they are
obligated to take me for walks
to the veterinarian office, and
to the emporium that humans
operate specifically for the goods
and treats available for me and
my cousins, bringing to their
abodes in which I and my like
have our own special places, 
things of amusement and edibles
for our health and enjoyment.
Not once have I felt the urge to
prepare their meals, serve them
trundle them off to a doctor's
appointment, or secure a leash
to tug them here and there in a
parkland, then scoop their poop.


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