Sunday, March 27, 2016


She is three months' worth of adorable
cuddle, uncertain of herself but so
pleased to be among others like her
and many quite unlike herself but
exuding ease and so she too is
comfortable. Her smooth tawny coat
the colour of an African lion, her paws
a tad too large for her plump little
frame, she looks about with eyes
wide in curiosity while everyone 
present has their eyes fixed on her.
By her side is her mentor, newly
introduced to be sure, but he will
become her life companion, older
and for now, somewhat wiser, his
sturdy frame and colouration echoing
hers but in size large since they are
both bull mastiffs. She already displays
a discriminating mind of her own, 
reluctant to move on just yet, 
interested in play-companionship
with toy poodles whose size appear
to her more in keeping with her own.

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