Sunday, March 20, 2016


She is the mother of all life and 
perhaps this takes a toll on nature's
tolerance, leading her to occasionally
test our own with the strange
peculiarities she writes into various
codes of genetic inheritance. Twins
born of the same mother, she is
perverse and manipulative and her
brother is sweetly undemanding.
Favour him momentarily and she
comes thundering along to be
petted and praised alongside him.
Yet hers is the calculating and
wholly irritating personality while
his is spontaneously innocent; he
is the naif to her Machiavellian
persona. What is his must also be
hers, and what is hers is denied
him. Her favoured bed is also his
but when he is installed, though
ample room exists for both she
cunningly approaches not to curl
alongside him but to vigorously
uproot him from his comfort. When
on a woodland trail other dogs are 
seen ahead she will spurt ignoring calls
to desist, challenging the oncoming
strangers, with authoritative bellows 
of 'halt who goes there!', then rushes 
back when the provoked bruisers
respond, leaving her brother who
dashed after her, to explain to the
rankled dogs her error of identity.

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