Monday, November 23, 2015

Toy Roughnecks

They'll have no truck with
their own kind and kindred
the little bigots. Lapdogs to
humans their preferred station
in life. Love them as we most
surely do, it is clear they are
by breeding and inclination
bullies, ruffians of the most
common variety. Twins,
sister and brother, they emit
blood-curdling shrieks of
outrage at the presence of
other dogs large and small.
Discretion leading to social amity
is a spurned concept. Their shrill
braggadocio succumbs to sudden
panic when large dogs, silent
and curious, approach. They
grudgingly befriend squirts
their own size. Yesterday, our
hearts melted when a small
chocolate-brown terrier turned
offended eyes to us and spoke
eloquently and despairingly
of such uncivil manners and
we most certainly agreed.


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