Friday, November 27, 2015

Perception Is Reality

Was there ever yet such a
dreary day? Oh yes, of course,
only yesterday, when too the heavens
frowned upon us, releasing a 
relentless spray of November-chilled
rain, the spigot never once pausing
but to increase the measure and
with it our discomfort. The petty
malaise such malign weather
heaps upon us leaving crotchety
bones creaking and minds asleep
in the crepuscular light elicits
in us pity for wildlife huddling
for scant shelter. The birds seek
comfort in trees and shrubbery
nearby the garden birdfeeder
risking desperate dashes for seeds
and the squirrels, always daft
with territorial urges look grumpily
limp and forlorn. Or is that
merely my impression transferred
from my mind to my vision?

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