Saturday, November 14, 2015

Evading Justice

Witness testimony at trial
drew an indelible picture
of a stupefyingly inebriated
woman leaving a tavern
entering her large expensive
vehicle against the entreaty
of an unidentified man. They
watching incredulously as she
backed into another parked vehicle
then gunning the engine to
drive at erratic speed onto the
adjoining highway, veering 
into and out of her lane,
barely missing a stone wall
until finally driving head on
into the opposite lane and
oncoming traffic where
evasive action by a man
returning home from work in
his pick-up failed to save his life.
Another tragedy resulting from
the arrogance of vehicular
homicide, at the wheel of a
drunk driver with enough money
to hire a crack counsel viewing
the law as a game of sharp
minds cleverly evading justice.

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