Thursday, November 26, 2015

Peaceable Kingdom

They are exceptional, those
avian messengers of peace.
Tranquility is their serene nature
inoffensive, wholesomely meek
their very presence soothes.
Even the sound their wings emit
ascending and descending reminds
one of otherworldly creatures for
they are the angels of the bird
world, sweetly mystical
undemanding, humbly foraging
below, never from an exalted
height attracting other birds.
Quarrelsome, impudent
squirrels take no measures to
challenge the presence of those
pearly-grey-and-pink visitors
plumped for comfort from
inclement weather, and nor do
the doves take to panicked flight
in the close and intimate 
presence of other, flighty birds
but remain placidly in place
trusting that peace shall prevail.

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