Sunday, November 15, 2015


This home is just like any other
 normal household best served 
when routine is observed for 
maximum practical efficiency, 
and so we certainly have our share
of timepieces as reminders
of time and to keep us alert
to very specific events requiring
attention. However, we also
have realized yet another
element in aid of memory 
and to that end have perfected
cross-species communication.
In the morning our two little
poodles, hugely expectant,
inform us so. The female
emits high-pitched whines and
the male barks up a storm of
reminders as a breakfast duet.
At dinner time the routine
is slightly altered as silently
but purposefully, Jack leaps
onto the sofa to begin nibbling
on the newspaper in my hands
while Jill prefers to nibble
my toes, and both are rewarded
with instant attention to the time
and their very desperate condition
for if their food is not immediately
proffered they will perish.

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