Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Antagonist

He is an Apricot Toy poodle and
as such, delicately put together,
proportionally minuscule but we
do not inform him that he is small
and vulnerable, for he would scorn
such a conclusion.  In his youth,
after all, he climbed mountains at
our side, and nothing intimidated him.
He conceives of himself as
courageously stalwart, the equal
in valour to any large breed dog.
He has, we know, a typical
Napoleon complex; strange dogs
are given the short shrift of warning
snarls.  Then came the time when a
miniature version of himself, an
Apricot Teacup poodle, was
encountered, being closely and
lovingly held.  No self-respecting
dog allows itself to be carried rather
than trotting about on its own, so
the Toy did not deign to grace the
presence of the Teacup with so much
as a glance, much less a growl.

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