Saturday, August 11, 2012


Truly, is it remotely possible that
an electronic device can develop
emotions, such as empathy, loyalty,
compassion, for example?  Childishly
absurd to entertain such a thought,
admittedly.  And yet.  It seems to be
my experience that my computer is
capable of anticipating my needs
born perhaps of our long and enriching
relationship.  In fulfilling my needs,
can the computer feel the acute
satisfaction of an altruistic act?  I
struggle to define our relationship.
Clearly, I make demands, but yet am
a supplicant in the fervent hope to be
accommodated.  Clearly, our unequal
relationship is one of master-and-slave.
I muster the commands and the
computer deigns to respond.  It is
the master of suspense and I
the acknowledged slave of needs.

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