Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Oh dear, it is so easy to pick
up bad habits, even the measure
of our days do that; like the moon,
they wax and they wane, like us,
they are given to procrastination.
Dawn, as example, has been
unbecomingly tardy of late.  No
longer the delight of early birds
inspiring them to glorious song,
dawn is late now, and later still
will she be, succumbing to bad
habit.  What's more, dusk too has
fallen prey to slovenliness, confused
its timing, intruding far too early
on the day, each confusing the
other's seasonal instructions for
their own and working in tandem -
no malice, we are assured - bestowing
upon us a gift we would far prefer
not to accept - graciously, of course -
in the normal course of seasonal
unreasonableness of purpose.

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