Sunday, January 19, 2025

Warriors of a Savage Cult

Ayelet Levy-Shachar, mother of Naama Levy, at a demonstration demanding the hostages' immediate release in Tel Aviv on Nov. 4, 2023.

They have mastered the arcane art of bestial

savagery, tinctured with sadism of a type not

imagined in the annals of barbaric rituals 

where an enemy's pain through the twisting of 

entrails in the morbidly horrifying mutilation 

of disbelieving and fearful girls and women 

are carefully documented for display in a

sinister gamble of displaying to the world

what rage-demented minds are capable of

for the act of violent rape in and of itself

must require an accompanying degradation

of vicious lust paired with torture and pain.

Such unspeakable crimes have few equals

other than the immolation of infants and

their parents, although they have mastered

that too, documenting all for posterity in

pride of performance, such that prostrates

loved ones with grief and anguish, yet 

elicits admiration from a wider appreciative

audience whose hatred of Jews equals that

of the perpetrators whom civilization has

not yet claimed as their own despite empathy

for despicable deeds they dedicate to their

faith in the divine and sacred scriptures.


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