Wednesday, January 29, 2025

The Rising Phoenix of Jew-Hate

In 1930s Germany, Fascist Brownshirts marched 

in the streets, calling out 'Juden Raus!' Jews were 

heckled, threatened, disenfranchised, schools

closed to the very citizens who proudly thought of

themselves as Germans first, Jews second, for whom

German culture and values were prized; Jews among

whom were world-renowned scientists, writers and

artists, financiers and business leaders, soldiers and

housewives, workmen and the social elite -- all

destined for premature death by whatever means it

took. This crime against humanity in a genocide of

unprecedented scale and dimensions troubled the

conscience of an aloof international community

which to the present day avows commitment to that

pithy oath: Never Again. In 21st century Canada 

crowds of Jew-baiting terrorist-supporting Jew-haters

march in the streets, block thoroughfares and bridges

hang banners decrying the Jewish State of Israel and

threaten Canadian Jews in a reprise of history. The

Brownshirts were doing the bidding of the Third Reich

but in Canada, Palestinian Arabs perfecting the art of

propaganda while calling for the death of Jews have

manipulated the Trudeau government to do their

bidding and non-interference in the ransacking of

history, conciliatorily bowing to the raging hate of

the antisemitic mob replaying history in real time. While

Canada's Prime Minister visits Poland memorializing

the Holocaust and gravely intones 'Never Again', the

fate of Jews once more hangs on the balance of hate.


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