At last, a solution. It was there, all the while
but overlooked for perhaps it was too simplistic
and in its simplicity held no allure for the victims
of Jew-hate. The answer to which is to suffer, for
in this Jews have acquired a skill, one of dire
endurance. Suffer, preferably in humble silence
for is that not your proven destiny? Even though
observations of contempt that under threat of death
Jews met their destiny in silence, as lambs to the
slaughter. For the fate of Jews when Europe became
a charnel house dedicated to annihilation by edict
of Nazi Germany was surely preordained. And
the excruciating mass slaughter of a people scorned
and rejected throughout history earned empathy
from a global community that sat by unmoving as
the caravan of death proceeded. A horrendous
event that is yearly memorialized by the survivors
(every Jew on Earth) and by sanctimonious heads
of state intoning grief at that cataclysmic epic of
slaughter unimpeded and triumphant. Hushed
respect for those millions who perished by those
who witnessed genocide at a safe distance, the
very same global communities that disown the
Jewish experience on the recreation of that people's
ancestral home, where Jews no longer submit to
'fate' but respond to the lethal violence unleashed
by their enemies, meeting terrorism by meting
out punishing self-defense to all those who seek
to recreate the Holocaust. And in so doing risk
(and welcome) the censure of those who prefer
Jews in their traditional role of silent suffering.
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