Tuesday, January 28, 2025

And .. No One .. Cares


It behooves the powerful of the world to gather

as one at a significant memorial of man's inhumanity

to man, as a demonstration that they are concerned

not only with securing their nations' advantages

when they regularly appear at convocations to

discuss the state of the world economy, their security

and international relations. They gather on grave

occasions of remembrance as well, to recall the

sacrifices made when World Wars roiled the globe

and when the most extraordinary effort at genocide

occurred within living memory, on its way to receding

from the world's notice altogether. There they are

their august presence signifying grief and consolation

for the unfortunate target of a totalitarian government's

obsession to obliterate Jews, despised, isolated and

disenfranchised, strident propaganda preparing their

population for a culling of a people unsuited to live

among them. The architecture of a vast scheme meant

to free Europe from the grasping, mendacious Jews

proceeded apace with stunning regularity and success

the knowledge of which was acknowledged yet not one

country in the 'free world', much less a coalition of any

determined to save whom they could did other than close

their borders. Yet that lazy indifference to the plight of

Europe's Jews lingers  and the same nations that decried

the enormity of the genocide, gathered at Auschwitz to

polish their concerned credentials supporting human rights

once again do nothing as the same Jew-hating forces from

a variant source infecting populations everywhere are once

again at full throttle. And .. no one .. cares. The rampant

hypocrisy on display as Jew-hate marches triumphantly

through the streets of Europe and North America despite

stringent laws forbidding such fore-runners of solutions

to the ancient problem of what to do with the Jews...when

all Jews want and long for is to be unrecognized and safe.


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