Thursday, January 30, 2025

Psychopaths Among Us


The White Supremacist's rights to
freedom of expression under Canada's
priceless Charter of Rights and Freedoms
have been inexcusably tampered with;
his parental obligation to lovingly inspire
his young children to the belief that blacks
"must die" to ensure the future remains
bright with dignity and promise
and security for white children.

The Muslim woman whose husband
ensured that an earlier, childless
righteously-spurned wife swell their
household to help raise their three
daughters as her own, had her revenge
when she, her husband and their dutiful
son successfully conspired to murder
those three girls, along with their
guardian. An obvious necessity to
ensure the girls remained biddable to
Islamic ideals of purity and honour.

The elite-ranked military commander
whose professionalism was directed toward
stimulating and enhancing the courage,
integrity and patriotic aspirations of
the country's finest, the while officiating
with the durability of rank and regard;
welcoming home slain soldiers, lives
taken in the line of national and
international duty, relieves his personal
stress by discreet acts of vicious rape and
gruesomely sex-deranged murders.

These exemplary failures of the larger social
contract pursue their missions, leaving
that great legal compact submitting to
justice, while a reeling public mourns
loss of collective belief in the celebrated
Goodness of Humanity. Their frenzied
lunacy; our grievous tragedy. 

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