Saturday, January 18, 2025

'Breathing Her Last


The strident metronomic tick of the old

clock's pendulum sifts through the room

as you replace the telephone receiver from

an incoming call via cellphone from a distant

hospital to hear a familiar voice telling you 

her breathing has become shallow and laboured

a sign the end is near and your sister dying 

for there was no hope when the second

stroke arrived and her brain bled without

surcease. In a coma, she hung on for days

life slowly draining leaving not even the

barest awareness of time and place or a

farewell sigh. Over a decade younger than

you, long years had gone by estranged. Her 

husband mourning at her last bedside recalling 

that which cannot be and will never be again 

and you mourn at your distance for what 

might have been but was not destined.

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