Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Grandma ... The Wolf!


Grandma, what an enterprising nose
you have been endowed with, sniffling
and snuffling around everyone else's
business as though it were your own;
poking relentlessly into the cloistered
privacy of others' intimacies and
hitherto unsuspected failures.

Grandma, what an amazing mouth
you have, so extraordinarily involved
in spouting opinion, analysis and
synthesizing conclusions, inexorably
leading to the restoration of global
sanity, yet there are so frustratingly
few interested listeners ....?

Cannot you be more judicious in
your interventions, in an effort to
appear more lucid, informed and practical?
Much depends, Grandma, on your
persuasive voice, for that rabid wolf
is breaking down defences
even as you desperately rail...

Grandma,what perplexingly
large eyes you have, envisioning
slights that do not exist, identifying
unintended lapses, the personal tragedy
of overlooked courtesies. Grandma,
condemn them all, for the wolf
of incivility is at the door!


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