Friday, April 14, 2023

The Giant's Inglorious End


The first time we entered the forest a

lifetime ago it stood massive, a sentry

and a monarch of pines impressive in its

girth and solemn presence for none others

evoked that sense of awe at its timeless

presence such that one wondered what 

it had been witness to in the long since past.

In every season it stood there clamped

to the forest floor, impassive and stalwart.

Raging storms hurled through the forest

prostrating lesser trees on their way to challenge

the old pine. There were microburst tornadoes

and derechos, fierce winter ice storms and

springtime tempests all too tame to ruffle

the pine's stout limbs. In time the tree bent to

the winds and began its slant like an old man's

bent back until its lean toward the forest floor 

warned of impending disaster. The tree that had

hosted bees, owls, squirrels nesting in its 

capacious interior met one too many of

nature's challenges and last night surrendered.

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