Wednesday, April 19, 2023


Visualized: The World Leaders In Positions of Power (1970-Today)

By and large we are a dull lot, humanity.

Given the opportunity to govern ourselves 

wisely, we fail every test that time and need

offers such that we learn that our need is not

necessarily the mother of their invention. Among

us there are those believing their qualities

include that of leadership who invariably do

lead; unfortunately badly astray. By general

agreement we acknowledge that order and

security must be foremost among our needs

in defence against the sociopaths and their

sibling psychopaths for whom the public

weal translates as a private avenue to wreak

violence among the trusting and the weak. At

any given time there will arise a malcontent

raising the banner of revolt against the mores

that bar their ilk from regulating and restraining

the lives of the placidly obtuse aggregate. The

credulous respond to the exterior charm cloaking

a malevolent mission to tyrannize, elevating

to executive governance those unfit to direct any

society, channeling its resources to themselves

while leaving the populace to fend for itself.

In democracies no less than in dictatorships the

public become 'extras' in a political drama 

geared to the avails of the few depriving the many.



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