Tuesday, April 4, 2023

O Canada!

When does a parliamentary democracy

become a consensual dictatorship? Perhaps

when its executive body deep-seated in

Parliament becomes committed not to the

weal of the common good of its society

but to the freakish ideology of a whimsical

prime minister who admires the efficient

drive of ideological tyrannies and muses

how their successes can be stitched on to

the fabric of a liberal democracy besotten

as well with progressive ideals that upturn

all the norms upon which the public weal

is familiar based firmly on the science of

reason and biology, economics and frugality

in the greater interests of leaving a nation's

culture, heritage and values to gather dust;

out of  sight out of mind. Matters of ethical

concerns matter not at all to those for whom

ethics mean nothing, driven to convert a nation

to a vision adapted from a global experiment

in diversity, inclusion and equality in an epic

journey to transform humanity through a wild

evolutional spiral where those who survive

will be incapable of reproducing themselves

but the outcome represents unnatural success.


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