Wednesday, April 12, 2023



Well yes, we're fairly pleased

with the little fellows. Mind

they do have a robust sense of

entitlement but it is leavened with

an air of fairness though they're

not entirely averse to compromise

as in they feel it is fair to their

aspirations that we concede and

compromise. So they agree to

suffer the ignominy of our

offering them dog food, never

mind its sterling quality, as long

as we also render unto the master

race their just due. They have

magnanimously negotiated their

just due in exchange for agreeing

to keep household peace, and we 

are duly grateful. Therefore choice

tidbits of whatever we presume to

eat openly in their presence must

be apportioned; to each his due

in this progressive household. And

all, they assure us, is forgiven.



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