Sunday, November 13, 2022

Unity in Disarranged Minds

Why is the United Nations still so misunderstood?

The old adage of travel broadening the mind 

assumes that as we know other places and other 

peoples through a level of familiarity we open 

our minds to them finding our commonalities and

unity as members of the human race. Perhaps 

there is utility beyond entertainment in social media 

whereby disparate individuals the world over can 

reach out and touch one another's minds to the 

understanding that life is not a bauble to be wasted. 

But there too human nature at its most raw surfaces

in divisions and the ties that bind where one drifts 

toward shared prejudices, justifying pathologies of 

distrust and hate. World leaders meet in fora with the 

obligation to extend basic courtesies and though 

they speak and act in a presumed unison of purpose 

they too detach themselves from the universality of

humanity in preference to adherence to their

exclusionary belief in the superior justification

of assertive ideologies whose impact divides

to distinguish those of similar mind as opposed

to those whose world view cannot be endorsed.

Fragmentation by virtue of dislocated minds.

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