Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Genocide, Interrupted

Language expressive of concepts which can

express the forbidden with its shudder effect

representing the most grievous wrongs that

humanity can conceive of. Words like deicide

fratricide, patricide, matricide set the wheels

of thought and the fear of infectious insanity

on alert; how could any level of society however

disturbed commit to such violent acts of murder?

And then there is that word signifying the intent

to annihilate an entire people, a formula so vast

and malevolently insane only a pathology of mass

dementia could aspire to its completion to satisfy 

the demonic in humanity. Yet it happened and in 

its aftermath the dread word has undergone a

transformation, casually deployed to describe

poorly imagined constructs of social meddling 

disturbing to the public weal. What is preserved

is the origins and raging hate behind genocide 

that impels the same breed of antisemites to 

deplore an uncompleted plan and to agitate anew 

for a reconstructed formula not merely to complete 

the interrupted genocide but this time to exceed 

its partially completed goals: no intact survivors.



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