Thursday, November 17, 2022


Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (L) speaking to Chinese President Xi Jinping as Trudeau arrives at the G20 in Bali on November 15, 2022.

It was at one of those gatherings of the old farts

and frat boys powerful leaders of the world, free and

otherwise to discuss matters of great moment such as 

wars and economies and pandemics. An opportunity 

for leaders of opposing values and controversial actions 

to briefly meet and ventilate grievances face to face in 

private diplomacy. An unscheduled opportunity between 

a tyrannical leader and one who aspired to nominal 

dictatorship a fawning sycophant under pressure to

express his nation's dim view of oppressive, interfering 

governments overstepped the boundaries of finesse to 

provoke a bonfire of recriminatory retorts verging on

threat where adversaries bare tooth and claw in their 

custodianship of national unity and self-preservation.

Strangely enough the international incident at the

hallowed conference elicited cheers in both nations.

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