Monday, November 21, 2022

Doha Doubter

14 best things to do in Qatar | CNN Travel

Honour among thieves? In the world

of men even the implausible may be

possible. Where there is power and profit

to be made there are accommodations to

bypass in strictest confidence the byways of

ethical morality in the greater interests of

satisfying lust and cupidity in exchanges

between principals not known for scrupulous

adherence to social conventions arranged and

generally agreed upon as best-practice scenarios

satisfying the imperatives of decency and human

rights. And thus is it that a wealthy kingdom

is granted the privilege of hosting the world's

most favoured sport, its sole qualification vast

wealth, persuasively negating the most basic of

required accommodations. The theocratic influence

that creates its hostile environment to any not of

their religious persuasion, the geography that

mitigates against athletic energy expended in 

inappropriate weather conditions, the impulsive

declarations testing credulity all aside, the venue

built on the backs of indentured labour in a death

count rivalling the construction of the Pyramids

all niggling complaints raised by unworthy doubts.




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