Wednesday, November 9, 2022

The Pogrom of Kristallnacht

It was a time for revelry a longed-for time

to unleash inhibitions when normalcy

meant civilized people were forced to

live among the detestable money-lenders

grasping, mendacious, cunning enemies

of decency pretending to worship God

in their synagogues when  the entire world

knew they worshipped Mammon plotting

the while to destroy all that was good and

gracious in the world to be replaced by

their grasping tentacles clutching the world

in an embrace of torment. To the decent and

self-respecting burghers of Germany finally

the opportunity to express their disdain while

loosing upon the demons hovering in society

the message that their time was coming. The

government had laid bare for all to recognize

the spoilers of the human race and this night 

and day were set aside for the people to express

their disgust at the wealth flaunted by Jews who

covet all that others own. Their opulent homes

to be looted, their corrupt lives upturned, fear to

grip them all, the spawns of evil; men, women 

and children. The good and the just free to rape

and to kill cheering the smashed windows in 

Jewish businesses and temples ignited, a night

to remember for its triumph over the devil! From

this day forward their evil reign will be dispatched.



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