Saturday, November 12, 2022

That August Body of Sanctimonious Focus

 U.S. President Joe Biden speaks at the seventy-sixth session of the UN General Assembly in 2021.

The League of Nations, a horror-struck world knew

had clearly outlived its usefulness. Under its guidance 

the world's failure to respond to a fascist tyranny's 

scheme of genocide was monumental. Never again 

would the global community stand by, hapless, helpless

and frankly disinterested in the plight of a people for

whom existence had always been fraught with danger 

for pogroms across Europe and the penchant of exiling 

Jews told the story of its narrow survival. Thus was 

born the United Nations, a seriously-intended world body 

with the influence and the gravitas to move the tyrants 

and mass murderers to rethink their sole focus on 

exterminating minorities. All the declarations and 

formal pledges to serve and protect those in need were

foundational to its purpose, formulated and approved 

and the United Nations General Assembly tended to 

the serious business of upholding human rights, holding 

the perpetrators of injustice to task, guiding recalcitrant 

nations to the paths of righteousness. In the process

discovering that after all the single nation to be held to

account should, in a tally of its members' values, be the 

state that resulted from the Holocaust, a state dedicating 

itself to preservation of the Jews whose first exile was 

from ancient Judea and the razing of Jerusalem in the 

realization that it had little option but to focus on its 

existential obligation to protect its people since it was 

manifestly obvious no human collective would.



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