Sunday, November 27, 2022

An Alternate Universe

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas (L) meets with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres at the United Nations headquarters in New York on September 19, 2022. (Mission of Palestine to the UN/Twitter)

It is more than a hypothesis. There are alternate

worlds in existence and it is unknown whether 

one is born into one world or instead drifts into 

one world or the other. One, a world where 

reason prevails and truth and reality honoured

the other where its inhabitants trust that the world 

reflects their preferences. Where reality becomes 

a movable feast where the succulent tidbits are 

chosen and the unpalatable set aside and spurned. 

As an accompaniment to selecting personal realities

the aggressor invariably becomes the victim

rallying support to the cause he insists is just

while brandishing a sabre against a presumed

adversary possessing resources he craves. When

the attacked defend themselves they are accused

of fomenting violence by the fantasyworld

dwellers who view themselves as allies of any

whom their worldview entitles to shape the

kind of reality they see utility in for themselves.

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